Question: 1 / 800

What is meant by 'best practice' in IT service management?

A method supported by theoretical research only

A way of working proven successful by several organizations

'Best practice' in IT service management refers to a way of working that has been proven successful by multiple organizations over time. This means that these practices are not merely theoretical or the opinion of an individual expert; they are founded on successful, practical applications within real-world settings. The effectiveness of these practices is often verified by their outcomes and the benefits realized by those organizations that apply them.

This understanding emphasizes the importance of experience and empirical evidence in determining what constitutes a best practice. Organizations adopting such practices can leverage the lessons learned and successes of others to improve their own service management processes. The reliance on a collective body of knowledge helps ensure that the practices are robust, adaptable, and applicable across various contexts in IT service management.

An approach recommended by a single expert

A standard compliance measure


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